In 2015, Hollywood plans to roll out a movie based on Ant-Man – a superhero who can shrink himself to the size of an insect and use a “cybernetic helmet” to communicate with ants.
There’s been a lot of talk about who should play Ant-Man (Paul Rudd!), but what about the ants? After all, it takes a special kind of arthropod to fight supervillains.
Consider these species that have what it takes to thwart evildoers.
Contender 1:
Contender 2:
Guard your script, Paul Rudd!
Thanks to Lauren Rugani.
Check our facts!
*Note: The Maricopa harvester ant’s sting is so poisonous that as little as .01 milligrams per kilogram would probably kill a grown man.
Written by Matt Shipman
Matt Shipman (@shiplives) is a public information officer at North Carolina State University and a freelance science writer. He also writes the Communication Breakdown blog, which focuses on science communication. He lives near Raleigh, in a house full of humans.
Illustrated by Christina Wang
Christina Wang is an aspiring law-student who has no “objection” to making bad puns. She’s a student by day, artist by night, and nerd all the time. She lives in Southern California with her turtle and fish. Follow her on tumblr
Oops! I think I should have written (under the section on the Maricopa harvester ant) milligrams per kilogram of body weight — not just milligrams. I blame a lack of coffee.
[…] awesomeness! They have what it takes to be superheroes. Matt Shipman has the words and Christina Wang the comic art in this Buzz Hoot Roar presentation. […]