Get off your computers, folks! Buzz Hoot Roar has its first real-live exhibition! Some of our amazing artists’ work spans the walls at Raleigh, North Carolina’s Cameron Village Regional Library through the month of September!
With this show, we’re getting the SciArt word out in hard copy to bibliophiles, lonely people looking for dates, four year olds, and the rest of the Cameron Village Library crowd.
You may remember such greats as Heather Copley’s decoding squirrel talk
Neil McCoy’s showcasing weird star seekers in Animals in Spaaaaace
Julia Rice’s examination of Belly Button Biodiversity
Robin Anders’ look into how birds navigate the Great Migrate
Artist in Residence Christine Fleming’s explaining What’s the Difference between commonly confused animals . . .
and demonstrating jumping spiders’ Sexy Spider Dance
Jaime Van Wart’s telling us why we just want to Squeeze It!
and James Hutson’s showing us how charming fireflies can be (and why some of them light up!)
Thanks to all who share their talents with us. If you’re in town, go check it out!
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