2. Dragonfly Males3. Bedbugs
4. Water boatmen males
Have you ever had that boyfriend who wants to sit around and play guitar just for you? What are you supposed to do? Smile politely? Sing along? Pretend Extreme’s “More Than Words” captures your shared feelings?
Check our facts:
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?
2. http://www.mndragonfly.org/
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?
4. http://www.plosone.org/
5. http://bugguide.net/node/view/
6. http://sciencenordic.com/
Emily Millette is a designer living in North Carolina. She’d like you to know, that from where she’s sitting, this is the best week yet. Follow her on Twitter @emilymillette.
Insect Sex by Emily Millette is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
[…] weevils and four other insects whose sex lives you do NOT want to be involved in, according to the fine folks at Buzz Hoot Roar. (Which is seriously a blog that you need to be following, like, […]
[…] weevils and four other insects whose sex lives you do NOT want to be involved in, according to the fine folks at Buzz Hoot Roar. (Which is seriously a blog that you need to be following, like, yesterday.) …read […]
No ants? :P
Male fireflies also have a barbed penis for the purpose of ripping out the semen deposited by other males.
[…] boingboing) Das Wissenschaftsblog Buzz Hoot Roar stellt fnf Insekten vor, mit denen man auf gar keinen Fall Sex haben mchte. Der Penis des Bohnenkfers […]
[…] have sex unless they’re doing it on our picnic blanket. In case you’re curious, though, Buzz Hoot Roar explains some of the ickier and more unusual facts about how some insects get it on, complete with […]
[…] connection? With these insects, likely not. Buzz Hoot Roar has given you fair […]
[…] five insects we never want to have sex with. There are facts and figures, references and […]
Yikes! It’s incredible these species still exist with such un-fun mating practices.
[…] Five Insects We Never Want to Have Sex With […]
Praying mantis, have hot sex, get eaten by the female. Not so good, from a male view point.
[…] so we know not all insects make terrible lovers, here are a few that might not be so […]