Too shy to tell your crush you’re into her? Want a way to wow your sweetie? Let your bestie know he’s . . . um . . . the best? Let these awesome BHR-approved Valentines do the talking for you! Just e-share, or print and clip! And happy heart day!

BHR_Millette_COCKROACHES_valentine BHR_Millette_CRICKETS_valentine BHR_Millette_MOTHS_valentine BHR_Millette_SCORPIONFLIES_valentine BHR_Millette_WATERBUGS_valentine

Download high-res versions for printing here.


Emily Millette is a designer living in North Carolina.  Follow her on Twitter @emilymillette.


Creative Commons License
Insect Valentines by Emily Millette is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.