Buzz, Hoot, and Roar are taking a little summer break for the next couple of weeks. When we come back, we’ll have lots of cool things and more top-of-the-line art from our world’s best science artists to share with you. We wish we were back already so we could show you all the things we have to show you. Until then, it’s summer reruns! This week, brush up on your vocabulary to impress your friends. Quiz yourself! Then be a know-it-all!
Petrichor. Is it:
the official scientific descriptive for the Elephant Man’s bones?
a Petri dish that’s become a little “off color”?
the word for the way it smells after it rains?
Polyphyodont. Is it:
an animal that continuously replaces its teeth?
a space-age binding compound used for waterproofing decks?
Actinopterygii. Is it:
a not-so-great consolation prize on “The Price is Right”?
the class of animals known as bony fish?
neither of these things. Buzz Hoot Roar made that word up to sound smart.
Omphaloskepsis. Is it:
the act of contemplating one’s belly button?
a school of thought in which people are skeptical about the relevance of elephants?
a group of individuals who, through a series of research-oriented expeditions, have scientifically proven the existence of Oompa Loompas?
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